
TriKids 2022 - 8530

5184x3456 5184x3456 pixel, DirectClass 8.078MB

Show exif data
EXIF tags in \'IMG_8530.JPG\' (\'Intel\' byte order):
Tag                 |Value
Manufacturer        |Canon
Model               |Canon EOS 7D
Orientation         |Top-left
Date and Time       |2022:08:27 08:08:46
Artist              |Dannenberg
YCbCr Positioning   |Co-sited
Copyright           |[None] (Photographer) - [None] (Editor)
Compression         |JPEG compression
Exposure Time       |1/1000 sec.
F-Number            |f/4.5
Exposure Program    |Manual
ISO Speed Ratings   |1000
Exif Version        |Exif Version 2.21
Date and Time (Origi|2022:08:27 08:08:46
Date and Time (Digit|2022:08:27 08:08:46
Components Configura|Y Cb Cr -
Shutter Speed       |10.00 EV (1/1024 sec.)
Aperture            |4.38 EV (f/4.6)
Exposure Bias       |0.00 EV
Metering Mode       |Center-weighted average
Flash               |Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode
Focal Length        |35.0 mm
Maker Note          |7962 bytes undefined data
User Comment        |
Sub-second Time     |00
Sub-second Time (Ori|00
Sub-second Time (Dig|00
FlashPixVersion     |FlashPix Version 1.0
Color Space         |sRGB
Pixel X Dimension   |5184
Pixel Y Dimension   |3456
Custom Rendered     |Normal process
Exposure Mode       |Manual exposure
White Balance       |Auto white balance
Scene Capture Type  |Standard
GPS Tag Version     |
Interoperability Ind|R98
Interoperability Ver|0100
EXIF data contains a thumbnail (18864 bytes).

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